Offering the Boons of Sol Invictus
A happy Summer Solstice one and all!
Star Club is pleased to announce its programme of Summer Lectures, and some exciting news about The Visible College! A whole host of events to keep you busy.
Magical Learning in Bristol
Star Club has reinstated its programme of inviting Guest Lecturers for our Open Sessions, and we have three fantastic speakers to supercharge your magical learning throughout the Summer as our current Practitioner Cycle comes to its end.
Oracular Seidr with Andre Henriques
On June 29th, Star Club will host Andre Henriques and the West Country Heathens to deliver a lecture and Open Ritual on Oracular Seidr, relevant to our Ecstatic Praxis module within the Practitioner Cycle.
This is a Norse Pagan group ritual where a Seer is (en)chanted into trance, and then answers questions from the audience, through visions and spirits communications. Everyone is welcome to ask their questions, about any aspect of their lives. More information is available here.
The PGM and the Use of Vowels with Dr. Bob Plimer
The PGM is the inspiration for many rites of Star Club, from our Solar-Mithraic Liturgy to the Classical Magic Praxis which concludes the Training Cycle, and features within the initiation underpinning the mystical aims of the system.
On 28th July Dr. Bob will be sitting in to peer-review our ritual and then offering a public lecture on this important tome from times past. You can learn more about the event here.
Unsympathetic Magic with Dr. Liz Williams
We’re pleased to host Dr. Liz Williams, occult author and organiser of the Glastonbury Occult Conference, for a lecture titled ‘Unsympathetic Magic’ on 24th August, listed here.
Liz will offer her customary wit and wisdom, covering mistakes and successes in witchcraft and sympathetic magic with over thirty years practice and her years running the Cat & Cauldron in Glastonbury with Trevor Jones, as featured in the hilarious ‘Diary of a Witchcraft Shop’.
The Visible College Rides Again
The fabulous Oxwick Farm, home of The Visible College
Over the last few months, Star Club’s parent organisation The Visible College has been coming together.
A Manifest Dream
We have some fabulous news to share - TVC is now officially registered as a Community Interest Company in the UK! This means its community aims of the Advancement of Religion for the Public Benefit have been accepted by the regulator, and TVC can apply for grants from charitable funders.
This is no mean feat and the registration has taken months of hard work, negotiation, and some nervous training seminars trying to look ‘normal’ in front of very well-established organisations. A special thanks to VOSCUR - if you are looking to start a voluntary or community group in Bristol, I highly recommend them.
Community, Coffee, and Cake
What next? Sef and the team will be uprating the Event Space with conference seating, projector and lighting, and a modern sound system over the course of the Summer. In partnership with Oxwick Farm, TVC is inviting magical practitioners from across the country to view the facilities, opportunities, and heritage projects at Oxwick on 29th July and 25th August, the day after Star Club meets - why not come for the ritual, and stay for coffee and cake?
You can register for free entry to the events listed here, and if you’d like to make a weekend of it Oxwick offers glamping and camping through their website.
Teachers on Tour
If you can’t get enough of Sef and Halo, or are waiting for our next Star Club Training Cycle to open, they are teaching at several events through the Summer and Autumn as listed on The Visible College’s site here.
28th June: ‘Two Paths to the Otherworld’ at Pagan Tribal Dreams camp
16th July: ‘The Lance and the Cup’ at Swansea Pagan Moot
21st September: ‘Crafting Group Ritual’ and ‘A Mass of Babalon’ at the Intenational Thelemic Symposium
2nd November: ‘Creating Katabasis’ at the South Wales Occult Conference
We’re excited to continue to share our practice and skills across the Pagan and Occult community, and The Visible College will have more to reveal soon!
Remember you can sign up to our newsletter to have this journal delivered straight to your inbox below, and make sure to join the Star Club Facebook group and follow The Visible College’s page to be first to hear about upcoming events.
Until next time, have a very merry Midsummer, from all at Star Club.