This Open Ritual will be a Mithraic Invocation of Sol Invictus to celebrate the Summer Solstice, set within the Star Club Framework.
Our quarterly rituals to mark the passage of the Sun as it waxes and wanes allude to deeper mysteries within Star Club, and the relationship between Sol Invictus and Mithras was an important part of the Mithraic mythos. Here we examine the force and fire of the Sun at its zenith on the Summer Solstice, and the boons and auguries which Sol Invictus bestows.
Classical Magic, such as the Mithras Liturgy found in the Greco-Magical Papyri, is one of the 8 key Praxes of the Star Club system. The Equinoxes and Solstices are important times of the year for magicians and pagans, and our Open Ritual will build on the momentum of the Sun at its height.
Entry is £6 or free for members. Please note this is earlier than our usual rituals to accommodate our Initiations after the Open Ritual.